Critters vs Gremlins
Before We Start… For this blog will be using pretty much anything we can get our hands on that isn’t a crossover. So that’s The first two gremlin movies, comics, novels and games. And as for the critters, it’s pretty simple just the five movies and the show what’s all that said let’s get into it Background Gremlins ‘’Y'know they're still shipping' them over here. They put 'em in cars, they put 'em in yer tv. they put 'em in stereos and those little radios you stick in your ears. They even put 'em in watches, they have teeny gremlins.’’ Oh Christmas, what a wonderful time of year the joy, laughter and of course, the Christmas presents, except it ain’t always easy finding that perfect gift for a loved one. Randall Peltzer, an amateur inventor who went to Chinatown to see if he could find an interesting present to get his son. Billy he ended up, finding himself in a little antique store run by a man who goes by the name of Mr. Wing who en...